Code of Conduct

The following Code of Conduct is designed to maintain a positive learning environment. Teachers, administrators and other staff members have authority to enforce this code.
  1. Students must behave courteously & cooperatively toward teachers, staff and peers at all times.
  2. Students must carry TAFT IDENTIFICATION at all times in order to receive services & must present it politely when asked by any school personnel.
  3. Students may not leave class at any time without proper teacher authorization. Students may not leave class without their school ID.
  4. Students must remain on campus during the school day. Students may only leave campus with a pass from the Attendance Office. Students requesting an early leave must do so 24 hours in advance.
  5. Any student who engages in bullying may be subject to disciplinary action. Students are expected to immediately report incidents of bullying to the principal or designee.
  6. Students are not to loiter on neighborhood shopping areas, residential areas or other school campuses.
  7. Students may play ball or Frisbee only in designated Physical Education areas.
  8. Students must keep Taft HS clean. Students must not eat in hallways, classrooms or in the PE area.
  9. Visitors must request a pass from the Attendance Office.